Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Are Expert Mentors right for your Internet Marketing Business?

By Bob B. Hamilton

There are certain situations where an expert mentor can be an invaluable asset to your internet marketing business. While there is a monetary investment required, a properly chosen expert mentor can literally pay you back many times over. Remember however that the ultimate results are dependent on the amount of time and your willingness to work directly with your expert mentor. Working with a coach is very different from sitting in a classroom. You are putting your business and your reputation on the line. Achieving the best ultimate outcome requires that you work hand in hand with your coach.

Your first step is to place your full trust in the expert mentor. You should have done your homework and ensured that he or she is trustworthy, knows what they are doing, and has your best interests at heart. If you want this to work right, you must not challenge what your expert mentor tells you. Instead, close your eyes and step off the cliff when they tell you to.

Commit to take decisive action exactly as you are told. You must feel obligated to follow all orders and directions precisely as they are given. This isn't a time for shortcuts. Understand exactly what everything means. If there are instructions being given, then make sure they are crystal clear before moving on. Manage everything as if it were part of a project. That means you must create a project plan that includes all key assignments from your expert mentor, and the end dates for each. Finish every assignment, exactly as defined, on or before the deadline. Success when using an expert mentor is a shared responsibility. Each of you must focus on the targeted results.

Keep in mind, too, what kind of expert mentoring you need for your internet marketing business at this phase in your development. There are three basic points at which you may need an expert mentor: the startup phase, the insurmountable problem, and the moving to the next level phase.

Expert mentors can greatly impact the performance of your business at each phase of development. However there are very different problems and issues being faced, so make sure your expert mentor is well-equipped to handle your special circumstances.

A business that's just starting out needs all kinds of guidance, particularly if you, the entrepreneur, are not experienced in running businesses. You need advice on taxes, employees, technological problems, content and product management, and of course marketing techniques, among other things. Your start-up process, without the advice and guidance of an experienced professional, may be anything but smooth. An expert mentor can help you guide your internet marketing business to a smoothly-accelerating start.

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to any business is to run into problems that just plain seem impossible to solve. Often the entrepreneur can identify the problem, but no matter how hard you work, the problem just stays right there, blocking all forward progress. What seems impossible to solve can be easy for an expert mentor. That coach can come in and quickly help you identify the exact problem, and then the best course of action to get it resolved. You see the problem solving process, the options that appear, and then you learn as the problem is resolved right before your eyes.

Finally, that critical point when you need to move your business to the Next Level. That could be franchising, or going beyond electronic media, or serving a rapidly-growing customer base. The expert mentor for this level will be more expensive - and worth every penny, as your rapidly accelerating business threatens to escape your control. A year in, you'll look back at that critical point and wonder how you could have done it without your expert mentor.

There is not an internet marketing business out there that doesn't need help at some point. Utilizing the right professional expert mentor when your business needs help could be the best thing you ever did for your business.

To your internet marketing success!

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