Thursday, August 28, 2008

Avoiding Bad Traffic

By Theo McLanahan

When it comes to website traffic, the old saying 'the more the merrier' doesn't exactly apply. Simply having lots of traffic will not increase the number of sales you have. Your goal in creating traffic is to attract targeted traffic, which will in turn, bring you more paying customers. You can have a lot of traffic coming to your website, but if they are not interested in your product or service, what good will it do to have them visit your site?

There is a large variety of free ways that you can get more people to visit your website. Don't let online businesses that promise to boost traffic to your website for a monthly fee trick you. They are just expensive gimmicks.

Companies that are paid to boost traffic do so in part by paying individuals to surf the Internet. These people simply log onto a website and their computers display various websites automatically, surfing the web all on their own.

However, the person that logged in isn't necessarily paying attention to the screen or even looking at it. The company that you paid may be driving 'traffic' to your site in terms of visitors, but that doesn't guarantee more customers.

Offering free products or services is another common source of bad traffic. Many of the people who will visit your site are probably only trying to get something for free and thus will not have a reason to return to your website in the future. Free offers can be used effectively, though. For example, you could offer a free special report with the purchase of an ebook. Promotions of this nature will help you build your customer base.

More traffic is not the same as more costumers. For that reason, exchanging banners or links is not a guaranteed way to help you sell more products and services. You need to focus on your target customers.

If you have a site related to babies, it doesn't make sense to trade links with a site related to sport fishing. Always keep your target market in mind. Who is your audience? Why should they visit your site? Having fresh, relevant, timely, and informative content will attract quality traffic.

Once people come to know your site as a source of quality information, they will return when they need to learn something new. The more quality traffic that comes in, the more customers you will have.

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