Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tips For Writing Articles Like A Professional

By Theo McLanahan

Do you want to earn lots of money? Earn while sitting at home and that too at your own time frame can be great business, but what is the way to do this? Write articles for publishers. Dont think that this is too tough job; almost anyone can do this work.

Now the people who publish the articles are often expert in his/her own field. Also people always prefer work from expert. Every successful completion of work needs better planning. So lets plan our working strategies:

Follow the following advice to develop a strategy for work:

- Start by generating ideas: Sit down at your computer or with a notebook and record your ideas. Brainstorm article ideas based upon your own knowledge of different topics. Use the internet to research article content, and become an expert in that particular field.

- After brainstorming, consider these questions: What past experiences can help me write this article? In which fields am I an expert? How can my knowledge be helpful to readers? Be sure to list the ideas that come to mind and think of possible titles for your article ideas.

- Begin your article: Some people will outline their ideas before beginning their article. Other people will want to start writing the article and edit for organization afterward. This is dependent on individual preference. Experiment with either strategy to see which one works best for you.

- Enjoy what you are doing. Allow your love for writing and your passion about the topic to flow into your original work. If you find your article boring, refocus your energies and put all of your effort into the work.

When people are reading your article, you want them to catch your enthusiasm for the topic and to then wonder about you.

- Dont advertise: Always remember that you are writing an article and the article does not contain advertisements. So avoid publishing advertisements in your articles. Yes, you can describe about yourself, your product, email address, URL etc at the end of an article as this is not an advertisement.

- Read the article aloud: Reading your article aloud is recommended. You can edit your article this way and can check for the ease of readability. Reading it aloud for others is another recommendation, especially to someone that can suggest changes or ask questions that remain.

- Be sure to edit your article: Editing your article is essential. Use the spell check on your computer and edit grammatical errors by manually reading through the text upon completion.

- Congratulations! You have successfully completed your article.

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