Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Article Writing: Becoming a Pro

By Theo McLanahan

Do you yearn to make a larger income? How could you arrange things in order to make good money working at home on your own schedule? The answer is a simple job that just about anybody can do; article writing for publishers.

Naturally, work done by an expert is always the best choice. Publishers of magazine articles tend to be experts in a certain area. To make a job well done, ever better planning is necessary. Here are some strategies for work planning:

- Start brainstorming: It is highly recommended not to sit and think. Your ideas should be recorded down on your computers or on paper. You should have idea about content of the articles. If you dont have any idea, no need to worry as you can take help from internet about article contents. This will help you in gaining much rich ideas about the article.

-After gaining ideas, you need to answer some simple questions, like: What experiences of yours could be useful? How could knowledge you already possess be presented in a beneficial way to others? Can you claim expert status in any particular field? You will need to come up with an applicable title to for your article. As you do, make sure to make a note of any and all ideas that occur to you.

-Whats next? : Well, depending on your personal preference you might simply start writing. You could also choose to organize your ideas using an outline before you start your article. It all depends on you; there is no rule.

Whatever works best for you is exactly what you should do.

- Enjoy work: There is no reason that article writing has to be a boring job. Lack of effort, however, might cause such feelings. Instead of copying other peoples techniques, use your own to create a unique piece of writing.

Should readers be interested in knowing just who you are?

- Dont advertise: Try to stay away from including any advertisements in your writing, since articles shouldnt contain any. Do, however, feel free to mention your name, email address, URL, your product, and other applicable information after finishing the article. Such data is not considered advertising.

- Read your article aloud: Reading your article out loud both alone and in front of others will prove to be helpful. Finding someone to read to that will feel free to question anything they dont quite understand will truly benefit you.

- Always edit your article: After your article is written, be sure to review and edit it. This is an essential part of the writing process. Your computer can help you check for spelling and grammar errors. Keep in mind, however, that you cannot rely on a computer to be one hundred percent accurate grammatically.

- Congratulations! You have successfully completed your article.

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