Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to Quickly Create Quality Products

By Melanie Ullman

You may think that the process of creating a product to sell is harder then it actually is, in fact is actually quite simple. There are several ways you can be go about creatively making a good product and getting out on the market right away generating sales. If you havent done so already you need to verify a niche and targeted buyers for your product. Once this is complete you are ready to move on.

Method 1 - Interview an Expert

The best way to approach this product creation method is to contact an expert in your field of expertise and do an interview with him. Record this interview and have it converted into an MP3 using some free software such as Audacity. Then take the MP3 that you created with the expert in your field and have it transcribed by the great folks at and then when it comes back turn it into a PDF by using OpenOffice software. Then you have a MP3 and transcript ready to be sold. Easy, huh?

2nd Method - Write An Informative Short Report

Find a problem that is cropping up frequently in people's lives and do some research on some of the best available solutions. Write up a short report on this of about 7-15 pages and sell it at a price point of roughly $7.00. Do some forum posts(Don't Spam) on the topic and then you should be able to make some nice sales quite quickly.

Product Creation Method No.3 - Create A Short Video Series

Using pretty much the same method as the above you could create a video using CamStudioPro. CamStudioPro is a great piece of software that allows you to create video. They also have an affiliate program that you can use to to increase your profits. And did I mention you can get more money for selling in this format then any other.

Well there you have it, 3 quick and easy ways to create some great profitable products of your own. Now off to work.

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