Saturday, August 30, 2008

How To Make Easy Money Online

By Larry D. Johnson

Making Money Online is the rave of the Internet these days. The only thing is you need to know a little bit about what you are doing in order to make a real income, and that is a little easier said than done.

I have been making money online for just over 4 years now. I have found the easiest and quickest way to make money on the Internet when you are new, is to copy what someone else has already done, that is already working.

Ask any Internet guru and they will tell you in order to make lots of money fast you need to mail your offer to a huge list of interested prospects. People who have an interest in what you have to offer. Mail your offer to a list of people like that and you've got a nice cash cow. Remember "The Money Is In The List".

Here is the basic process of building a list. First, you need something Free to give to people. Something of value that they can use online or off whether they have their own business or not. When you offer this Free product or service through advertising, the only way for people to get your Free product or service is to give you their name and e-mail address. Now you have a prospect to mail your offer to. You build your list by using this process over and over again.

The free offer method is used by just about every serious Internet marketer. However I have a big problem with the Free offer method. You see in order to get your free offer out on the Internet, you have to advertise. So you are spending money to advertise your free offer and yes you are getting contact information that you can use to send real offers to, but you receive no money from your free offer ads to cover your advertising cost. Well I believe I have a solution to that problem.

Here is how it works. You will offer a program that will build a huge opt-in list of targeted prospects for anyone who uses it. You will be giving away Free vacations to anyone who joins your list building program. It cost $10 to join the program. Your prospects will pay you and 4 other marketers $2.00 each. Here is the kicker. When your prospects make the same offer, anyone who joins their list will also pay you $2.00 and so on down 5 levels deep.

The reason I like this system is that it is so simple to use and to promote. Here is what happens when you follow the program instructions.Everyone who joins this pays 5 people $2 each. That's the $10 cost involved. You then start receiving tons of $2 payments yourself. First from your 10. Then from their 10, then from their 10, etc. If everyone were to take a full month to get their 10 this is what you can expect to earn each month... Month 1: $20 (whoopie!) Month 2: $200 (looking better) Month 3: $2,000 (lets go shopping) Month 4: $20,000 (goodbye CC debt - hello Cancun!) Month 5: $200,000 (goodbye mortgage)

If you want to get started making money online or if you are looking for a way to build a large opt-in list, and you want to get paid at the same time, you will want to jump on this program right away. With the potential to earn $20,000 in 4 months and build a list of 10,000 prospects, plus receive a Free 3 day 2 night vacation, all for $10 this offer is a no brainer. To Get the details on this program click the link in the resource box.

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