Friday, August 29, 2008

3 things you need to understand BEFORE you start a business

By Derek Gehl

You probably have the drive and enthusiasm if your set on starting your own online business. But there's more to it. So if you've decided to jump in headfirst without testing the water....

Don't jump!

Take a few minutes and look where you're going... you'll get there a lot faster.

Before you find a web designer... or create a product... or waste any time and money on complicated software... let's start with the fundamentals.

1. Starting an Internet business means BUILDING it from the ground up and that takes some elbow grease

When you put in the effort, you can earn more money, have more free time, and spend your days doing something you love (and getting paid for it!).

However, don't let your positive attitude get you roped into a shady business... don't think you can just put up an "instant" website that someone sells you and instantly make a fortune. The only profits there are the ones you give to the con artist who sold you.

Has anyone given you free money up to this point?

But if you're willing to learn and you know where to look for information, you're already ahead of the crowd.

The truth is, there are more Internet business opportunities out there than any one person could possibly find, and some of them are perfect for YOU! You've got to be the one to find them!

2. Start an online business by giving the people what they want

Here's the number one secret of Internet business: know what your customers want BEFORE you build your website.

This one simple tip will save you more time and money than any other piece of advice. Don't think of the Internet as another place for you to sell widgets - it's so much more than that.

Search engines have made it possible to find anything online... if it's there.

Your job is to find out what people are looking for - and not finding - that you can then sell them. If people are searching for left-handed bowling balls, then give them left-handed bowling balls.

Your goal is to find an underserved niche market and become the go-to guy before someone else does. And when you do that, you've got yourself a genuine Internet business!

3. Do it right the first time -- get expert help

Experience is the best teacher, and that's the way I learned the business. My company, The Internet Marketing Center, is built on the idea of trying something, learning from mistakes, and doing things better each time.

The problem is that you don't have the time to try, try again... and frankly, all that failure is expensive! That's why so much of what I do is trying to get people to learn from my mistakes instead of making your own.

Its absolutely essential to arm yourself with information and knowledge. You can read articles and blogs, join a discussion forum where experts share information, or get your hands on online marketing courses, videos, and guides that teach you what you need to know.

You'll need to know the basics of website building, writing salescopy, and search engine optimization. Without a plan and a little help, that could take a while.

But there's good news: if you're willing to learn, you can find teaching tools and resources in every shape, size, and learning style. Whether you want everything you need in a book so you can learn at your own pace, or you'd prefer having a mentor looking over your shoulder every step of the way, it's up to you to choose the method that suits you best.

It can be a fun and rewarding experience. And when those rewards are sales, you'll be laughing all the way to the bank!

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