Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ASD Ad Cash Generator Advertising Program and Home BusinessWouldn

By Joy Matthews

Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could get paid viewing advertising on the internet? And also getting continuous website traffic of your product, service or opportunity and could be sure that 1000's would see your website every week.

Who wouldn't mind earning a second income? A significant second income obtained by putting your advertising dollar and your mouse to work everyday is smart investing. If you could figure out a way to make your advertising dolor earn you money while it earned you traffic and money on your website, how long would it take you to find out what to do?

This is a brief overview of Ad Surf Daily or ASD for short, and how you could be a part of a growing company that could make ASD the largest advertising presence on the internet in the next few years.

ASD is nothing like other agencies you have known about. You can earn rebates on your initial advertising dollar and all those subsequent dollars in addition to income generating traffic. You can earn these rebates daily as a member of the site.

To get real live customers and to make your business grow you need to generate enough traffic to keep it on the internet and make money. If people don't know that you exist, namely, if you don't have a medium that guarantees traffic daily, then how will you generate the traffic and repeat business to stay afloat?

The internet has opened up the possibility of massive advertising exposure around the world.

However, a webpage being online doesn't mean that you will be found, much less found by those seeking what you have to offer them. You need a way to drive people to see you; much the same way your website needs the internet to be online.

Finally, there is a solution. Week after week, month after month, and every year you are a member you can have payloads of traffic hauled to your site. You can earn rebates at ASD based on what you spend for advertising. You have the potential to not just break even with your advertising dollar, but to earn a whopping 125% of every dollar you spend.

This means that you can spend $500 for 500 advertising credits. And you could potentially earn a nice chunk of $625 before your credits expire.

Purchase $12,000 dollars worth of advertising and you can earn $15,000 in rebates before those ad packages expire.

Can you now see the power ASD has to power your life and the life of your website?

Could you advertise indefinitely and still earn this type of income with ASD? Sure!

Alright, so how difficult is it to be able to earn those rebates? All of the ASD advertising members pay to have their sites viewed by thousands of other members, you will just view up to 24 web pages for 15 secs each of other members of ad surf daily everyday to earn your share of rebates for that day, that's it!

How do you surf these advertisement? ASD takes care of that by providing you with a surfing platform. This generates random advertisements, which rotate all the members' sites all day long.

How often does ASD generate your rebates, and how often are the rebates summed up? Well, since each ad package costs $1 and there are over a million active advertising packages on the site on any given day, and additionally over 50,000 advertising packages are purchased every day, ASD can then pay 50% of their daily income as rebates to its members. So everything that was purchased and surfed today will be paid out tomorrow. That's 50% of $50,000, or $25,000 just for looking at 24 websites per member.

How Long Can I continue to earn rebates on each ad package? You will earn rebates on each ad purchase until you earn 125% of what you paid for the ad purchase. You can purchase new ad packages everyday if you wish from rebates earned and from cash deposits made to ASD. Ok, so how are rebates figured and how often does cash generator pay rebates?

Can you now see how, with the exponential revenue possibilities for its members, ASD has the potential for being the largest advertising agency on the internet and the best way to find and be found? Can you see how you, as the entrepreneur, can now obtain massive amounts of traffic and get paid to do it?

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