Saturday, August 30, 2008

How To Build Quality Relationships With Vendors And Lower Costs

By Stu McLaren

Getting your products and services from concept to cash you need vendors and fulfillment. Anyone from web programmers, fulfillment houses, graphic designers. Whatever type of vendors you may need to use in your business this article will outline a few tips about how you can lower your fulfillment costs while building quality relationships.

Number one, what you could do is send them referrals and recommendations. I constantly, as much as possible, try to send the people that I work with more and more business. The reason is because I want them to see the value of the relationship with me goes much further than the business I personally do with them. That way the relationship is not only benefiting them with the business that I give them, but the business that I also bring through the people that I associate with. They'll quickly see me in a favorable light. The key here is to try and provide them a benefit as quickly as possible - a great way is to send as many referrals as you can.

Joint venture projects is something else I have done with my vendors in the past. An example of this is when I worked with a graphic designer on a product. She did the graphic designer element, I put together the product and did the marketing side and then we split the profits.

Boom! Just like that I had almost completely eliminated my cost up front and now don't have to worry about coming up with that money. Starting out, this was really helpful as I didn't have the money to put up front to hire a graphic designer. So this strategy is really great for that reason and many others.

Some people will think, "If I split the profits with someone else, I'm going to loose a big chunk of money!" Time out. Personally, I think that it is better to actually get your projects completed, making some money, rather than not have any completed and not be making any money.

If I didn't create that type of relationship with this specific vendor, I would never have completed those projects and would therefore wouldn't have made any money. Those ideas would have been sitting up on a shelf, not making me anything.

Whether you are just starting out, on a tight budget, or just want to get projects done economically, you really have to look to be creative. Joint venture project with my vendors is one creative idea I've used with multiple different vendors.

Another tip to save money that I have learned over the course of using vendors is to have as much work done ahead of time. By doing this you are cutting down on the time and effort your vendor needs to use on your project. You can even ask your vendor questions, like, how could you decrease they're effort, reduce your overall costs, etc. Vendors will answer these for you, they want to work with you. Everyone has a budget to work within and vendors will be willing to help you stay within it, they are always interested in your business and will help you meet your goals.

Here is another tip - create a template instead of just a project. This way you can use it more than once, without having to pay for the same thing twice. I'll go into more detail to explain it better.

We will use developing e-Books for example. Instead of getting a graphic designer to design a specific layout for each of your e-Books you generate, it would be a lot easier and cheaper for you to get them to design a template. That way you can use that template for every e-Book you generate after that point instead of paying for it again.

This is a different way about going things - the thing is you will save tons of money - thousands - in the long-run. As for the graphic designer its about the same amount of effort for them to put forth. This is just another idea about how you can again build your relationships with your vendors, but also save a lot of money.

In this article, I've outlined a few really quick and easy strategies that can help you build stronger relationships with your vendors and fulfillment companies while saving your money. Many more strategies will come to you once you really start thinking about it.

By exploring your creativity ideas will come to you when you need them the most!

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