Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Top Internet Businesses Mistakes and How to Learn from them

By Michael Lee

For 4 years now I have be searching for the Top Internet Businesses online. I have wasted a lot of money in this search and a made some.

Moving from business to business has caused me the most trouble. I would offer as a good piece of knowledge that you identify one business and work with it for about one year at a minimum before making any decisions to Change businesses. Don't get lured into joining any other business or programs. Stay focused. This is the top way that people get into trouble and lose money.

Two thing that you need to posse is persistence and patience if you want to succeed in your quest to have a top internet business. Never give up, Never give up, never give up is the advice that I would give to anyone.

Here is something you must do before you get involved with any Top Internet businesses and that is to do a Google search for the company. Research as much information about this business and learn what there assets and liabilities are. This will be your guide into make a good business decision on whether to join this company are not.

Do as much research as you can, as it will save you a lot of money and time that you will waste in the long run. If you do this, you will now be able to use the money that you would have wasted from moving to a new program, on advertising and marketing the business that you feel comfortable with.

I have wasted a lot of money that I could have used to market the business that I am involved in now, if only I would have just followed this information that I am telling you about now. Learn from my mistakes and save time and money.

Branding yourself is the next key to success in this business. Get your name out there in front of as many people as you can so that people will know who you are and want to buy what every you are selling.

You might be asking yourself, what do I do now and you might have the urge to want to start to spend your hard earned money on marketing your business. I would suggest to you that you try to use a many free ways to get your name out there. Traffic exchanges, blogging, and safelists are a great way to start out.

If you do have a few dollars to spend, you can put out the money needed for making money online into buying solo ads or get your own domain name, hosting company, autoresponder and create a splash page to build a list.

Think of a follow up program too. Create a series of emails that you want to send to your list that you are building to sell yourself with. Give away products or valuable information that will help your customers and make them think of you as an expert and someone to believe in. You'll be well on your way if you use this approach.

Look on your hard-drive to see if you have any product or ebooks that you have purchased that you have never used and give them away for free to the people who have sign-up through you splash page. This will make them think of you as a valuable resource where they can go to get everything they need to be successful.

As I come to a close, I hope you have learned many things that will help you save your money and your time as you grow your business.

Good luck in your journey through the Top Internet Businesses that are offered online. Stay patient and persistent in you search for financial freedom!

If you would like to learn more about choosing between top internet businesses then click on the Top Internet Businesses link in my resource box below to find out more information.

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