Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Create Your Website With A Series of 5 Easy Steps

By Darrel Hawes

If you're ready to start your own website, here's what you need to do.

First, purchase a domain name. Please, before you do this, follow these simple rules to find a suitable name:

End with a .com.

Easy to spell.

Easy to say over the phone or in person.

No dashes or numeric characters.

Is memorable.

Accurately describes what you offer for sale.

Now the following are general guidelines and there are a few cases where you may safely ignore a few of them. One case is where you have your own blog rather than on the behalf of your company. If that is the case, many people will use their own name for the domain name, even if it is difficult to spell.

Another possible exception is the last criteria I listed. The best case is to have a domain name which is descriptive, but there are many sites where this is not the case. The best example is Google! (You would think a better name would have been "".) Give some thought to your target audience and what makes sense to them.

Second, locate a reliable web host and sign up one of their plans.

Third, build your site. You will need to decide if you want the traditional "static" type site or if you want the newer blog format.

Fourth, you will need to put content onto your website. If you go with a blog format, this step is incredibly simple.

Fifth, you will want to set up a schedule and program for promoting your site. After all, what good is having a website if no one knows about it? Some ways you can promote your site include article marketing, video marketing, viral friend scripts, press releases, forum marketing, and blog commenting.

Putting up a website can be quite taxing but can also reward you in more ways than you might realize.

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