Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Unlimited Income Through Perpetual Leverage:

By Jay NaPier

Money making opportunities for independent sales people using perpetual leverage are sweeping across the internet, thanks to an idea from Global Resorts. Its combined use of both network marketing and direct sales may be why itas thought to be the most financially rewarding marketing plan around. With perpetual leverage, two people get paid for each sale, making it much more lucrative than other competing types of plans.

This strategy is far superior to currently used plans for timeshare. Currently, families buy a two week stay for a specific time share location. There are often many hidden costs in addition to the more obvious expenses. Additionally, even if the time share isnat available for the familyas particular weeks, the costs still accumulate.

This new type of vacation, developed by Global Resorts, gives members much greater adaptability. For a payment made just once, members can choose where they want to go and when. The only costs that will be incurred are for actual weeks spent on vacation. If no time is used, no fees will be accrued.

The lifetime membership plan being sold is a great value for the money. It is extremely affordable when purchased today because of the efficiency of marketing through the internet. The customer can enjoy the plan for years and realize great savings and much more variety than a conventional time share purchase can offer.

The time share membership is also allowed to be passed on to the heirs of the owner, which is a very attractive feature to many people. This marketing plan is so good it practically sells itself, which makes perpetual leverage particularly successful.

For every lifetime membership sold, the salesperson gets a commission of $500 to $1000. In addition, he will also receive the same amount for every membership sold by his referrals. This means two people get paid every time a new sale is made. There is no limit to the levels of the sales network, so commissions are practically endless. Perpetual marketing is definitely the easiest network marketing plan available for making money.

Global Resorts Network is looking for network marketers to join with them and show this great opportunity to their existing customer base. Just two sales a month, combined with one person sponsored per month, could garner you over $12,000 salary in just six months.

If youave always dreamed of being an entrepreneur, your time has arrived. Global Resorts is offering you the chance to get in on the ground floor of this spectacular opportunity. This is a great opportunity, and youall soon see how easy it is to make lots of money with perpetual leverage.

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