Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to Market Your E-Commerce Site Online

By SFXsource

Since e-commerce is now a common method of doing business, the initial job in building a successful e-commerce store is finding, categorizing, and uploading a fair amount of useful products onto a well designed online store. The second vital task for being successful in e-commerce is getting traffic. Different ways of getting attention online and accessing the all important traffic that apply to all types of businesses are listed below.

1. Optimize your e-commerce shop for searching by adding a succinct site description, relevant keywords, and a title that describes your business.

2. Exchange links with other sites by adding a link pages or pages. For your links have the link text read the actual keyword that you like to use to drive business to your site opposed to your business title.

3. Join social networking sites and create pages for your business which can include your business URL and link to as many friends as possible. These networking sites are great methods of increasing your user and client base.

4. Post helpful tips and advice frequently on online forums related to your industry as such posts often allow you to include your URL links.

5. Submit articles that deal with your industry online to article directories. Resource boxes at the bottom of each article will include your URLs.

6. Submit frequent to free press release sites that cover any news or updates concerning your site or new content.

The key to a successful e-commerce site is getting enough traffic to turn into buying customers. Over time this traffic will grow into active users and referrers which will solidify your business's success through the years. But remember, the above strategies need to be followed diligently in order to maintain and increase your search engine positions.

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