Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why did Johnny Bolton Leave Global Resorts Network?

By Bolton Bolts . Com

If you know of Global Resorts Network you know who Johnny Bolton is. Johnny has been giving the conference calls for GRN for the better part of 2 years. Global Resorts Network has an amazing product and an amazing compensation plan. So you better believe; if Johnny Bolton is willing to give up his top position at GRN and make a move to something unknown, it is going to be worth while.

Currently there is not a lot know about this new company and product. What we do know is that it is still in the travel arena. Seems to be a similar product to Global Resorts Network. $149 dollar hot weeks, as well as higher caliber resorts. The company has been around for 23 years and currently has a member base of 100k product only members. Memberships are lifetime and have unlimited use, no blackouts, no restrictions and unlimited guest weeks.

Like Global Resorts Network, Johnny Bolton?s new opportunity will have exclusive rights to market the product in this fashion. Keeping this exclusive will ensure the integrity of the product and business. Hoping in this right away and positioning yourself at the top of this will produce you staggering results.

This new opportunity is like nothing I have been a part of before the excitement level he is insane. People are joning and bringing entire teams over. The bonuses they have lined up are simply amazing. The more you preform the more they will reward you.

We have been released now for about 2 weeks. I have been a memebr only for 12 days and I already have a downline fast aproaching 100 memebrs. I am still waiting to see the exact count once all the tracking is in place. But I can tell you this people are calling me so much that me and my partner can't keep up.

The first round of hot weeks have been launched at $149 and MOR vacations has done it again. these hot week are in great spots. Booking the trips is very easy I have a rep who purchased a hot week and is on it right now. Look for an update on our website soon as to the results of her trip.

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