Saturday, August 30, 2008

Many Online Services - One Stressed Out You

By Cleveland Rashad

With so many online services such as video submission, article submission services, press releases, podcasts, etc, it can be overwhelming! You need to take a broad look at what traffic is available to you. One of the latest tools for making the process work for you better is Cyndi's Parker's EASY PUSH BUTTON TRAFFIC

Especially when it comes to signing in and out of each one - what a big hassle and one that drives most people crazy. Don't sacrifice your list of clients for a few extra dollars in your pocket! Want to make sure that your customers will follow you to anything you want them too? Here are a few tips:

Tip #1 - Make your clients feel really special.

Have some compelling incentives for making the switch. Never underestimate the power of a free gift! They can influence sales tremendously.

Tip #2 - Huge Deals Should Be Offered

Offer customers huge deals on some of your other products out there. Let then know that they are the only ones that get such an offer! This is also a great method to generate tons of buzz about your website!

Tip #3 - Guide Your Audience

Give your audience plenty of time to make the change to the new software tool company. Your clients were use to one service, and now you want to show them a more improved service. Help guide them through this move.

Switching to a new and different software for marketing doesn't have to be a difficult experience - just make sure that you're continuing to provide your clients with great values and incentives, and they'll be only too happy to follow you.

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