Thursday, August 14, 2008

How to increase your internet sales

By Arthur Stoller

Companies spend a great deal on the look and feel of their sites and so many times, the investment stops there, just when it needs to go to market and start cashing in on internet sales.

This year alone, internet sales are predicted to increase by 38% and so it is very important you form, a solid internet sales strategy and follow through on it so you can tap into your share of this growing market.

Whether you sell products or services there are solid ways to tap into your market more strongly and deliver the internet sales that would make a difference and start to repay the investment you made.

If you have a range of 1,000 products we would like you to start by writing out an article of 400 words for each of these products.

Yes, 400 words will take you time, but the rewards are well worth it.You could also have a staff member do this for you to help, or you could outsource it for a few dollars per hour. Each one of these articles is likely to have a high conversion rate amongst your customers, which will lead to high internet sales

Whatever your service may be, your first step is to form a list of phrases on which people would be likely to search to find you. With this list you then write an article on each phrase and get into the habit of posting a new article every week. Our purpose is to buid a huge net of phrases with which to capture traffic.

Then again, over time you will establish yourself as an authority site in your market and google gives special precedence to authority sites. Apart from this advantage, you are also setting up a large net to catch people searching on all types of related terms and then filtering them down to an action page where you induce them, via an irresistible offer, to contact you either by email or phoning.

This is a great discipline which will become second nature to you as you start to seriously work on marketing your site. Over time you will see the number of visits grow and your internet sales increase.

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