Thursday, August 14, 2008

We do what ever we want because of our internet business

By John Wallen

I could hear the thunder in the distance as I rolled out of bed and looked to see the time. Almost seven, time to get moving anyway. I turned the coffee on and went out to the porch, I could see the lake looking pretty rough. In no time the rain was coming down, pounding the roof in buckets and, that?s fine with me we need the rain.

My lovely better half has woken. I can hear her shutting windows in the back of the house. I pour our coffee, and we join each other on the loveseat. We turn on the news for the weather report and, it sounds like this is going into the afternoon. A break from the sun and the boat is probably a good thing, the coffee tastes great as we wake on this stormy morning.

I bring out a blueberry coffee cake from the finest little bakery in town and, I can't believe how good it is. We decided since it's raining anyway, we should get out our notes out and, get some work done in our internet business. We were not really planning on doing to much of that sort of thing, were here on vacation, but we can't do anything in the rain.

I fire up the computer, and make some more coffee, then were off and running. We have learned from the best, so in no time we have all our advertising and articles completely done and uploaded. Even our email has all been answered, we make a great team. We connect and inspire each other, it's totally unbelievable.

The humidity from the rain is incredible. I tell her lets go to town for lunch at that favorite little pub we like. She heads off to get ready, and I grab my rain coat to go check on the boat. This place has the best corned beef sandwich I think we have ever had and, we always run into someone we know, what a perfect day for that.

The forest was pretty soggy as we went down the road to town. A black bear and her cub cross the road ahead and ,we slow down to take a close look, but she was gone. She says " we all have success only when we realize our own dreams". That has been the power of our intention. We have created a very successful internet business so we could have more moments like this.

Were doing exactly what ever it is we want to do. It wasn't really that hard, just some patience, and the right people you can accomplish anything. So many people procrastinate, then complain about their lives, and I just shake my head, cause I know what can really become a reality if we just pay attention, and have the courage to move on.

We have been involved with other online businesses and , had some success. We now call it our learning curve. A lot of opportunities are just hype, but over the past two years we have been getting the results we new were possible because of this outstanding affiliate internet business. We have tripled our income with a business we started part time from home.

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