Saturday, August 9, 2008

They've been hiding the truth about copy writing

By Tony Hetherington

Even if you focus totally on pay per click advertising such as Google Adwords to promote your website, ebook or affilliate scheme you still need to create compelling adverts and persuasive landing pages or your sales will be lost. But everything you've been told is wrong!

They say you need a copy writer - they are wrong! Using a copywriter would spell disaster for your website! Their copy would be hollow and empty. Although punctuation perfect it would lack all your knowledge and passion that makes you unique and interesting.

They say creating a great sales page is important - they are wrong! Creating great copy for your website is absolutely essential and goes far beyond the sales page. To build long term success you need fantastic content. Whether you have an ebook to sell, website to launch or affiliate scheme to promote you need to write interesting and compelling copy - copy that will form blog entries, articles, forum posts, press releases and website content. Even if you focus totally on pay per click advertising such as Google Adwords you still need to create winning adverts and persuasive landing pages or your sales will be lost.

They say you can't write - they are wrong! If you're struggling with writing content for your website, finding writing a business report a nightmare or would love to create a newsletter but don't know how to start then don't worry - it's not your fault! There is a silent conspiracy working against you and it means that "they" make money because you can't write as you would want to.

They don't want you to realise that you are the best person to create your copy so that you keep paying them.

They are the dusty academics and academics that like to make you feel stupid when you make mistakes and they just love pointing them out. There may not be an official conspiracy with a secret HQ but it's just as effective. For example, when have you ever heard a copywriter say "Here's a better way of doing it that will save you time and money"?

My guess would be never! Why would they they have you trapped and paying each time for something that you could easily learn and creata far more intersting copy that your cutsomers would love.

It's time to fight back and break free from this writing trap and start creating your own compelling copy. This will help you build a unique bond with your customer built on your passion and knowledge and their growing trust and respect in you. So fire that copy writer and take control of your own website!

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