Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Successful People Pratice Goal Setting

By jayardee nemo

Successful people are very driven in life. Anyone who has a drive in life has some sort of direction. That map is provided by goal setting.

Setting goals for your self is quite painless and easy. Just ask your self , "What do I want to accomplish in the next six months?" The catch is to not set too many goals, because you may become overwhelmed very quickly.

It's actually very easy to set too many goals. This can and will throw you off balance and you will become so discouraged that you may quit entirely. Rome wasn't built in a day.

When a short term goal is achieved, it can bring a sense of empowerment. This can be used as the fuel to create and accomplish additional goals. Goal setting and accomplishing them can take off like wildfire.

Maybe one of your goals is to lose twenty pounds. This is a mid term goal that will not happen overnight. Swimming hundreds of laps daily would not be a realistic short term goal.

When goals are too much too fast, the end result will not be good. Even if you accomplish the goal, you will be likely to burn yourself out and not be motivated to move onto the next goal. The key is to start off slow like maybe just fifteen laps a day.

Within a month, you may actually be able to swim forty or more laps in one session. This is a foundation that you can now work off of for life. These easy but mid term goals can be extremely effective.

Making a schedule is vital. If you are not a morning person, then don't set your goal to be accomplished before you go off to work. You can probably barely get to work on time as it is.

Writing your goals down can be very effective. It helps you to keep them in sight. If you are aware of what you want to accomplish, it will be that much easier.

He great news is that once you accomplish your first specific goal, you will start to feel better about yourself. This can give you the power to set more goals. Before you know it, you might find yourself setting and accomplishing goals in all areas of your life beyond exercise.

The key to being successful in life is having a plan of action. As you set and accomplish goals, they become easier and easier. Before you know it, you may find yourself doing great things.

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