Monday, August 25, 2008

Necessity of Embracing the Unknown For Entrepreneurs

By Stu McLaren

Entrepreneurs and creative thinkers share one characteristic - embracing the unknown.

Rick Raddatz was part of a mastermind group that I was luckily enough to participate in. In one of the meetings he reaffirmed this point by what he shared.

Rick if you don't know came up with Audio Generator with Armand Morin and Alex Mandossian, located at The service allows you to put your voice up anywhere over the web. People call into a number using the telephone and the file is immediately recorded and ready to be put on your website.

He said when he first had the idea for Audio Generator, it was actually a completely different service. It was actually to help married couples. When he presented the idea while talking to Dan Kennedy, Dan gave him some advice. Dan said to him, "It's not as profitable in the mode that you're trying to use it."

This advice left Rick in a predicament, whether to pursue his original concept or turn it into something completely new. This is when Rick decided to abandon the idea of using it as a tool to help married couples, but rather as a marketing tool.

He was going in to the unknown. He had no idea whether it would be successful. He had no idea how to market it to that kind of industry. He was going where he had never gone before, but he embraced that. That was the exciting part of it all.

Remember, when we're choosing between mediocrity and unlimited potential for your success, the difference boils down to doing what's comfortable and doing what's risky.

What is comes down to is, will you embrace the unknown and take a chance with something new? Or are you going to settle for just satisfactory?

The difference between creative thinkers and the rest of the world is that creative thinkers are not afraid to explore the unknown.

Creative thinkers are made up of the people who will take the chance and present their new product or business, try an unique marketing strategy and even those who discover new countries. All of these people make the decision to embrace the unknown and explore it.

When a new piece of technology is created it is because the inventor believed there was a better solution to what was previously available.

No matter what might stand in their way, creative thinkers have this belief, a self-confidence, that their ability to create ideas will be able to solve any problems.

They don't fear failure, but they still fear it a little bit. The reason they don't fear failure as much is because they have the confidence in their ability to generate solutions for whatever problems come in front of them.

Having the confidence to create a new product that has never been developed before or discover a great marketing strategy not being utilized comes from being a creative thinker. They focus on the potential of their ideas, instead of worrying about what could happen.

I want you to imagine yourself standing in front of two doors. Behind the first door is the road well traveled. It's well groomed, there's lots of sign posts, there's not many twists and turns, and you're pretty much guaranteed an easy journey. But you already know where this road is going to take you, and the destination that you're looking at is not too exciting.

Now, behind door number two is unknown. For you to reach the destination you will have to create your own road, use your ax to knock down the bush that is in the way. It may be rough in patches, but that is expected, because what you will receive at the end of your journey is the satisfaction of knowing you didn't just follow another person's road, but you created your own.

People say that instead of standing idly by and watching others pass before you, you made things happen. For you, for your business, for your family, and for your future.

When you choose door number two you are showing the world that yes, you are a person who is willing to take risks, you are a person who will put in a lot of effort for the great rewards to follow. Opening door number two allows you to differ yourself from everyone else, it open a door to success.

Door one or door two, which will you choose?

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