Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Magnetic Sponsoring: MLM Lead Generation Scam?

By Xerge

In this Magnetic Sponsoring review we are going to give you a good understanding of what really is this information product. Is the Magnetic Sponsoring book going to fill your expectations or is it just another usual information product, with nothing really new offered to its readers? Honestly, I didn't know what to expect the first time I came across it. I didn't want to spend more money on mlm lead programs. Having done it many times in the past with no actual results to show, made me think about it.

These are the facts I checked: this course-book is not like any other MLM lead generation product. The author, Mike Dillard, doesn't teach you the usual methods we all know about. What I mean by this is, he just doesn't throw you a book full of difficult techniques that at the end deliver no valuable information on generating MLM leads. It's true, to have results, you need to ask to yourself: what should I do to become successful on generating leads in this network marketing industry? And sure enough, just like in any other industry, you need commitment, wit, dedication, and a few other important things.

There are many ebooks on the internet and a few mlm lead generation books you can acquire in specialized stores, but they just tell us the same old thing. Do you need more of the same? I think we all want to see something different. Now, let's go back to the first question: What is so new about this MLM Magnetic Sponsoring book? Is it really worth its purchase price? Can we find some proven methods to apply in it? Are we going to see some mlm lead success if we puchase it?

If we are talking about some new techniques, I can say yes and no to all these questions. The book doesn't come up with some tricks and methods we don't know about. The important thing here is that it makes you see them from a new angle . What you can be sure of, is that the way in which you will be implementing and using this seemingly under-used techniques, is something revolutionary.

On the other hand, the book sends a new light on some very good MLM lead generation techniques that you probably didn't know about. Yes, you can find those techniques here. Laid out in a well structured format, you will be able to put them in practice to grow your mlm lead generation business.

The book is made of 10 easy to understand chapters designed to radically change your approach about mlm lead marketing generation. Just knowing that the author is a well established writer, and that it does what he preaches, assures the high quality of this book. There is only one thing I wasn't pleased with this book: it does not come in an eBook format, for an instant download. But it remains as a fact that even in this type of format, Mike Dillard has already sold thousands of copies in a few months. On the other hand, some people prefer a hard copy anyway. That way they save a lot of time and money printing it at Kinkos.

Now, one thing is for sure: with this book, expect doing a lot of highlighting on lots of concepts. And one more thing before I leave you: you'll have to read it many times until you can implement all the techniques with ease and no hesitation.

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