Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How To Write Effective Articles For Promoting A Website

By Theo McLanahan

Trying to figure out how to write more efficient, high quality articles? Youve come to the right place! Article writing can be mastered by anyone, but there are certain requirements. Be determined, devoted, and enthusiastic about learning. Good writing, much like any art or craft, is not a skill anyone is born with. It must be developed through practice. The following tips will assist you in improving your article writing skill.

- Article marketing: Article marketing is the process in which you need to write and submit keyword rich 350-500 words article to article ezines and directories.

These articles are published in ezines or posted on the directories all over the world. Write your name, real URL and few lines about yourself and/or your product in authors resource box provided at the end of the articles.

- Be an expert: You are required to be an expertise in your field of article writing. Reader should be familiar with you and your product prior to his/her visit to your website. This will impose them to purchase your product. Pay per Click traffic has less conversion rate then article marketing traffic.

- Consistency: To ensure article writing success, make sure that your articles information can be considered truly relevant.

- Use attractive headlines: Attractive headlines are essential for good articles. A good headline will jump out and catch your readers eye. Boring headlines will cause your articles to be left unread and business will slump until you hit bottom with no subscriptions and no sales.

- Use keywords: Keyword use is the essence of a successful article. Keywords are what control search engine ranks. People search the internet using keywords. Think of which well known keywords fit into your article and then use them, especially in your headline.

- Use short paragraphs: One can easily interpret short paragraphs. Huge paragraphs can also lead reader to select another article. So use short and meaningful paragraphs.

- Use bullet points, sub-headlines or numbers: This will make article more understandable to the reader. Also it will add charm to the article.

- Resource box: A resource box is located at the end of your article. This is your space to put your name and personal URL. Use it as another chance to attract readers by including information about your product. Call action comments, like visit us at can be quite useful.

- Write more articles: In order to maintain high traffic on your website, you must write daily. Weekly writing simply wont suffice. Since you will attract more people with more articles, establish reasonable goals for yourself, such as 5 articles a day or 25 articles each week.

All of these great suggestions will help you produce good, quality articles on a consistent basis.

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