Monday, August 4, 2008

Google AdWords Campaign Management Secrets

By Maxine Stirling

Managing a Google AdWords campaign can be tricky, but there are some fundamental tips that you can use in order to increase your chances of success. The following is a breakdown of a few of the tips you can use in order to maximize your Google AdWords pay per click campaign efforts.

One of the first things you can do in your Google AdWords campaign is to make use of keyword optimization. You can start this process by doing your homework and limiting your keywords. Then, filter out searches that you know have a very poor conversion rate by instituting negative keywords into your keyword selections.

Depending on the goals of your campaign, it may be cost efficient to utilize a cost-per-impression strategy instead of just a cost per click one. This is a way to create brand awareness for a cheaper price. Basically, your ads appear on relevant websites instead of just SERPs (search engine results pages). This is a way to reach a wider potential audience without having to pay a high price. It is also a way to put your ad in front of people who may be interested but had not thought to search for your specific term.

If you are very certain of your ability to convert potential prospects, then you may want to consider the Google AdWords campaign strategy of maximizing your keywords. This strategy is based on bulk sales, and relies heavily on your ability to convert potential prospects into sales on the backend. Some strategies for maximizing your keywords include adding typos of your keywords, reversed letters, and plural and singular versions of keywords. This will increase your potential audience and likely increase the number of clicks you get. Of course, you don't want clicks that aren't at least somewhat relevant to your product or service.

One other important Google AdWords Campaign Management tactic to employ is limiting your daily spending budget. If you don't cap your budget on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, then a PPC advertising campaign can get out of control quickly. Make sure you allot yourself a certain marketing budget and then stick to it. You should never have to increase your budget on the fly in order to get clicks. If you aren't getting clicks with a small budget, don't count on an increased budget to fix the problem. After all, zero (or close to zero) times anything is still zero. Take a step back at the end of the budgetary period and re-evaluate your strategy.

Utilizing some or all of these Google AdWords campaign management strategies is a great way to maximize the potential of your pay per click campaign. And, they won't break the bank. Think about the ultimate goal of your campaign, and then decide if these strategies are right for you.

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