Thursday, August 14, 2008

Finding Business Leads Through Telephone Lead Generation

By Terry Stanfield

Your company is looking for lead generation with telemarketing companies in the United States. You will want more than just a name and a phone number. You could have found that information on your own by looking through the phone book. So what do you want from the telemarketing company? Let's take a look at what the telemarketing company should give you for your money.

The telemarketing should make a quality phone presentation on your behalf. The information they should ferret out for you will be as follows:

1. They should identify the decision maker for you.

2. They should confirm the need for your product and when the product is needed.

3. They should have a significant conversation with the decision maker, which will enable them to glean even more information for you, such as the process of decision making, the current situation with the prospective client, who your competition might be, the important details, which will enable you to close the sale with the prospective client and any other important pieces of information you need to make the sale.

Knowing these key elements will assist you when you contact the prospective client regarding the need for your product. The telemarketing company is basically turning, what would have started out as a cold call, into a relationship on which your company can base a business transaction. This allows your sales personnel to do what they do best, which is getting a signature on the dotted line and closing the deal.

When looking for a lead generation with a telemarketing company here in the United States, you will want to find a quality company who will have your best interest at heart. A company who knows how much people hate wasting their time listening to a sales spiel from a telemarketer and are willing to spend the time having a sincere conversation with your prospective client on your behalf.

There are several telemarketing companies who do not understand the importance of having a sincere conversation with the prospective client. They may believe it is a waste of time, however if they understood the reason behind the conversation maybe they would change their methods of telemarketing. By having the conversation with the prospective client, they are opening the lines of communication as a two-way street. The prospective client is more likely to open up and talk about details he would never let on to a salesman.

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