Monday, August 25, 2008

Distributing Articles effectively

By Brian M Page

Having been involved with Internet marketing since 2002 I could have kicked myself when I not only discovered that most people who have been very successful on-line use article marketing as a major factor in driving traffic to their websites or blogs, but that they have been doing it for years. I think at this point I should clarify the use of the term 'major ' by saying that article marketing alone can quite literally result in thousand of unique visitors per month over time. Many people seem to be of the opinion that writing articles are far too time consuming for the amount of traffic the articles bring. In reality the time factor is minimal compared to search engine optimization or many other promotional techniques.

The simple fact of the matter is that a little more time spent on crafting a good quality article will result in much more traffic than you would think in both the short and long term. It may well be that many people do not like to write or find it difficult and discard this tried and proven traffic method. If this sounds like you I strongly suggest you try and break through the writing barrier or have someone write for you and then see the results before discounting its value.

Traffic generation has made many a person rich, not from traffic coming in but from traffic going out. Let me explain; Where there is a need there is opportunity for exploitation and this is very true when it comes to traffic. There are sites all over the Internet specifically designed to attract people who want more traffic. While many of these sites are legitimate there are far too many who aren't and are prepared to sell traffic that in is either useless or non existent.

article marketing is a well tried and tested type of traffic generation that everyone loves because it is targeted. I doubt anyone who dislikes dogs is going to bother reading an article on 'how to groom a dog' But for someone who loves their dog and wants the dog to look great then you're article is precisely what they want to read. And if you happen to sell dog grooming equipment then there's a high probability of a sale. Some of the new social networking sites now on-line can be very viral and all it takes is someone in a dog community or group to mention you're article and hey presto! more visitors and more sales.

If you decide to pay for a service to submit articles for you then obviously you will reach out to many more people than if you elected to submit to each one yourself. But regardless if you go it alone or have it done for you you will still get those all important visitors. Just ensure that you are happy with the article before submitting it using a third party as you may not have the ability to edit it later.

When looking for a program or software to automate you're article submissions you need to take into account that the supplier may not have you're best interests at heart. To feel secure in you're final choice I strongly recommend you do a search on the product or service and find out what others who have already purchased it have to say. Simply type the name into your search box and look at all the results to find those who have something worthwhile to say about it.

As you can tell I am very much a convert when it comes to using articles to gain visitors. None of it is difficult to do and in fact I even find it enjoyable (even more so when I check my traffic stats each day). Just remember to keep you're articles to the on the subject and use the words within the articles to strengthen the main topic. Then decide if you want to let someone else do all the hard work to get you're articles out there on mass or do it yourself. Either way I know that this method will work for you time and time again.

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