Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Christian Debt Consolidation Companies - Unique or Not?

By Michael Benifez

For some Christians, a Christian debt consolidation company is something that goes against their beliefs. These companies, and there are many, offer with scripture answers to Christians who question them.

Unfortunately, there are many views on debt that are argued among Christians. Is it okay to owe money or property to an entity or person? Some feel that is isn't, even when purchasing a car or home. While others believe carrying debt acceptable for purchases that appreciate, will provide an income, or purchases that are worth more than what is owed. No debt should cause a person financial strains.

Debt is not a new issue and the Bible talks specifically about debt and borrowing. In Romans 13:8(KJV), God tells us one should "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another." The Bible also state in Proverbs 22:7, "Just as the rich rule over the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender." Debt was as much a problem in Biblical times, as it is today. Christian debt consolidation companies offer Christians a way to pay back what they own, yet another Biblical principal. Psalm 37:21 clearly asserts, "The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously."

These companies' message is simple; the Lord's gift for us in not only life, but life more abundant. Companies emphasize how increasing debt makes living an abundant life more difficult. Being debt free liberates and empowers Christians.

Many Christians stretch scripture a bit and feel they must deal with a Christian organization. The part that is absurd; these organizations do not discriminate against any religious beliefs. This fact is quite curious, so why choose to state they are a Christian company.

The reality is that Christian debt consolidation companies are very similar to Non-Christian companies. They make false claims, like their ability to refinance a person's debt or get there interest rates lowered on current debt just like the other companies. Some even claim to eliminate interest all together. Except for those who feel strongly about going through a Christian company, there is no real difference between the two.

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