Monday, August 25, 2008

Autopilot Cash Cycler Shares Simple 3 Step Strategy To Big Money

By Trisha Frauenhofer

Everyone who is a new online marketer wants to know what it takes to be successful. Now you may think that this is a very complicated process of getting to success, but really, it is very simple if you stick to fundamentals and not get side tracked.

Focus, Content and Links are three steps we will look at that all marketers must take to get on the road to success according to the Autopilot Cash Cycler program.

Focus: Now, this term may sound simple and redundant, but for many new marketers, focus is just what they need. When you get started with a new business venture online, you will get emails and offers from everyone about training and software to buy, etc. It is important to focus and stay on the task at hand. You can easily waste precious time by going from one offer to another. Usually if something is worth pursuing you will get a recommendation from a business associate you can trust. Or if you see something you think may be helpful, you may want to run it by your mentor and get his or her opinion before you buy.

Focus also refers to what you should do when trying to figure out what to market. Stay with one specific, easy to follow, theme. Of course, there are broader, more vague themes, but they can be more difficult to market. Niche marketing is really where you can find products that are easier to sell then general items. For example, if you want to sell golf balls, it's better to look for a specific niche such as soft cover, low priced, and durable.

Content: Yet another simple concept, 'Content' is of prime importance to any business. It is better to remove your site from the Internet, if you think it falls short in the 'Content' department.

Lack of relevant information makes your content redundant. For success in online marketing, the 'Content' strategy suggests - Keep the reader attracted by sticking to the basic theme. Weekly, modify the content with additional updates is always a good strategy.

Links: It goes without saying that your website must have links, so as to widen the 'information' arena for the visitors to your site. Let the additional products and services that you sell be known to people, who can either buy them or try them out. Your mastery to device 'backlinks' to your site will surely be enhanced with increased experience. The backlinks - the specially coded 'HTML URLs' - get the reader back to your main site by the way of specific key words. For this to work, 'word' your links accurately. Rather than the monotonous 'Click Here, put your creativity to test - either persuade the visitors to click on your links by calling them to immediate action, or allure them with on the spot special offers!

Focus, Content and Links may seem simple and boring but those are the three basic steps you need for success in any online business.

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