Saturday, November 15, 2008

To Get Good Internet Marketing Results

By Andy Austim

It is important for any online entrepreneur to know exactly what their internet marketing results are like. This will help them to then judge very quickly how a particular online marketing campaign is going and if they need to make changes in order to improve them. Below we provide you with a few tips that should help with getting better results and so improving your rankings within the online search engines.

One of the first things that one must be considering in order to get the best results possible is just how many words are contained with the pages. Ideally, each page should contain 250 words or more, otherwise the search engines such as Google will downgrade them. So if you are selling any kind of product it is a good idea to place on the page a good description.

Another important that one needs to consider when marketing a product or service online is the kinds of keywords that you use. Rather than just using random ones, it is far better if you identify the exact phrases, which are likely to bring prospective buyers to your site. There are plenty of good quality keyword analysis tools now available that can help you in finding these.

After you have discovered the right, kinds of keywords these then need to be incorporated both in the text of your pages but also your meta tags as well. When incorporating them for example in to articles or pages of your site the keywords should be in the title, the first paragraph and also the last paragraph. Also, add them once or twice within the text itself, but not too much. What you should be aiming for is that the particular keyword or phrase you are using should make up around 3% of the total text that has been written.

When you are writing content either for the pages of your site or articles to promote it there are other factors that one needs to take into consideration. It is important that they are very easy to read and provide the reader with clear, concise information so that they do not have to spend time trying to find answers to their problems.

When you are writing any content, it is a good idea that you aim to keep the paragraphs as short as you possibly can. Again, this will help to prevent the readers from becoming bored and selecting to go elsewhere to get what they want. If you can aim to have between three and five sentences in each paragraph that you write and no more. Plus you need to include a title that all readers will be intrigued by and will want to read on further to find out what it is you have to offer.

When writing any kind of content you need to be able to provide the reader with a way in which they are able to solve the problem they are dealing with. But you should avoid trying to give too much away otherwise you will lose the opportunity of them clicking on the link in your resource box in order to get even more answers to their problems.

Above we have shown you some of the things that one should be doing if you want to see an improvement in your internet marketing results. The better your results then the higher your chances of getting a much search engine ranking which means a higher chance of more traffic being directed towards your site.

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