Monday, November 24, 2008

Paid Internet marketing Tools As Opposed To Free Tools

By Simon M Skinner

If you are interested in SEO tools, you'll find that you have two options - free tools or paid tools. There are some tools out there that are free for everyone to use, allowing you to check out your back links, the measure various things on your site, and some that even do keyword research for you. However, in many cases, you'll actually find that the paid tools are often much better than the free ones. Why? Well, here are just a few reasons that make the case for paid tools over free ones.

Paid Tools Are Generally More Reliable Than Free Ones - One of the important differences between free and paid SEO tools is that paid SEO tools usually are much more reliable than are free ones. This is because with free tools, the developers do not have nearly as much of an incentive to keep their tools properly maintained.

Paid Tools Offer More Accuracy - Paid tools also generally perform better in the accuracy department. Free SEO tool developers have less incentive to improve and fine tune their tools. Developers who are paid for their work tend to get an earful from customers if their tools do not perform as advertised, which keeps them focused on constantly improving their software.

It's More Convenient to Use Paid SEO Tools - Usually most people find that it's a lot more convenient to use paid SEO tools. Many times one site will have all the tools that you need when you go with a paid option, making it easy to use all the tools that you need, since they are all at one convenient site.

Paid SEO Tools Offer Easier Integration - There are a multitude of different free SEO tools scattered all over the web; this can be difficult since they all work differently and rarely, if ever are possible to integrate with one another. Paid tools offer better interoperability, so you can save a lot of time and frustration.

There is More Support Available for Paid Tools - Last of all, one of the top reasons that paid tools are often the better choice for SEO tools is because there is more support available for paid tools. Usually there is little or no support available for the free tools out there today. However, the tools that you have to pay for usually have great support that will provide you with the help that you need within about 24 hours or less.

There are of course some excellent free SEO tools out there, but the case for using paid SEO tools is very compelling. Technical support, convenience and easier integration makes paid SEO tools a favored option by many webmasters.

This article about paid seo tools is brought to you by webpositionexpert.

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