Sunday, November 30, 2008

No one cares about how great your company is, TRUST ME!

By John Wallen

Big pat on the back, you have studied your companies history, have every website link. know what the orac value of every product, numbers on their record breaking growth, pages of testimonials, oh yeah, don't forget their debt freeyawn yawn yawn

Solving the problems of the masses is the only way to get rich. When you sell someone on your business and they join your down line, you have not solved a problem for them, you have given them one. " Welcome, and congratulations on joining the best networking opportunity on the planet! Now go and get them, show us what your made of!"

Even the perfect product or comp plan will not guarantee you success. But the perfect system will. Something that brings the customers, sells your product, delivers the goods for you. This is essential to your success.

An automated system doing all your ads and marketing, should be what your using. Push the button that puts everything in motion, and sit back and concentrate on creating a relationship with those that come through the system. Your not lazy, but you can not come close to what the system can duplicate.

This way you have a result that's predictable. Provide them with a system that gives them great results. They do not care about price points, and comp plans and what have you. Give the what they desire like a workable system, and you will be successful like never before.

If you want to bring in customers, create the machine that will do that. Get going on learning marketing skills, this how you will sell your products. Then a duplicatable and effective system needs to be put in place, and your business will create a ton of success.

This is very easy, more than you know. It's not your fault now one showed you the right way to do business. I finally stopped using the old techniques my upline was teaching after almost a year of failure. What really got to me is when I found out they weren't doing that much better.

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