Sunday, November 30, 2008

iBuzz Pro Software has Taken the Sales Industry by Storm

By Matthew Loop

IBuzzPro is the latest buzz in the world of network marketing and Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM). This is a tool with the help of which, one can easily expand his business to full capacity. Ibuzz Pro helps you to broadcast your business opportunity to thousands of prospective customers with in a few minutes. This type of technology was present in the market for a long time but it was quite expensive. However, the revolutionary Ibuzz Pro is available at an unbelievably cheap cost, and this is what makes it far more superior to its predecessors.

Now with the new Ibuzz Pro any network marketer can reach out to many customers, at the click of their mouse. Ibuzzpro uses a highly sophisticated broadcasting system, where you can record the details of your business, upload as many leads as you want and then, send them with a click of your mouse. There is a compensation plan attached to each of your voice broadcasts, and a fully automatic follow-up service, within an assigned period.

A similar technology has been in the market for the last 8 years, but ibuzzpro is the first of its kind, which owing to some brilliant innovation, comes at a very affordable price. It is suitable for all types of MLMs, network marketers, home based business and just about any kind of business that one can think of. The message broadcast comes with a partial compensation plan and also fully automatic follow ups. This software has earned itself a reputation of sending the sales of a company sky rocketing, once it is being put to use.

It also comes with a list of 1000 prospective leads, which you can be exploited by anyone who owns the software. This has proved to be very effective for many new comers, as they get a ready to use platform to create sufficient demand and awareness for their products.

With ibuzzpro, you can send unlimited voice messages to prospective leads and turn your venture into a successful one. The rates charged by the software are low and is undoubtedly very reasonable. The best part of the story is that you are being charged only a mere amount of 3.9 cents per minute for every connected call.

There are no hidden charges in purchasing the Ibuzz Pro. There is a one time installing cost and after that, you need to pay only for the calls and nothing else. Ibuzz Pro does not charge a monthly rental. So it means now you can take your business to thousands of people in the span of less than thousand minutes. The customer support is available all round the clock and is very helpful. They also provide numerous training and marketing programs to teach you the new ways of publicizing your products.

Using the ibuzzpro, you can also record the outbound messages. The software comes with a self-affiliating program, which opens a new stream of massive passive income for the owner. Intuitively this means that you might be able to multiply your business without having to make any bitter calls.

As it is said that, success behind the success of a company depends upon the number of clients to which it can effectively reach in a short span of time, the ibuzzpro helps entrepreneur to do exactly the same. John Breck, who is the founder of this software aims to use this software as the recruiter of potential customers for any business venture, by broadcasting the product directly to them.

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