Saturday, November 22, 2008

Profit From Your Own Online Product - The Quick And Easy Way

By Kylon Trower

Lots of new marketers spend precious time and resources creating a product that will never sell in the marketplace. Then they scratch their heads wondering what happened and why?

In most cases they have forgotten the critical component to internet sales success which is, "is it marketable". Hey, if no one wants your stuff you'll have a hard tie giving it away.

The most critical factor to determine when you begin to create or purchase buying rights to a certain product to sell is the demand of the product. Do people want what you've got? It makes no sense in the world to waste precious time creating a product, websites and a strong marketing campaign to find out that no one has a want, need or desire for your product!

Just so that we're on the same page, you goal is to exchange your product for cash, right? The ole' saying holds true, you must find a need and fill it. It can't get much simpler than this.

In order to do this, you simply need to ask your customers what they want, need and desire. Ask in forums related to your niche. Conduct a survey or public poll. The Internet is a fair game, and you have the power to reach just about anyone in the world who has an Internet connection.

For example, let's imagine you have a great idea for an e-book on how to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website for pennies on the dollar. The first thing is to determine who would be interested in learning that information and look up the appropriate forum. Start a new post like "what is the most frustrating part of getting traffic to your website" along with your survey questions. Be sure not to just come out and ask if anyone would like to buy your e-book as you are sure to get a reputation as a spammer.

You can also research your product by sharing a few tips and techniques with the community to get some feedback more create some buzz. This will build rapport and if they show an interest to learn more than you know you have a strong market for your product. If you don't get any bites or if there's no interest, you might want to try a different product. Before you back off though make sure you check more than one forum to get a good sense of the market.

I know this may take a little longer but it will end up saving you a lot of time creating a product that won;t sell. Imagine going through the hours of labor preparing a Cooking Guide for yourself, cause you probably couldn't give it away if there's no demand.

Okay, you've got positive feedback from your audience and it's time to get busy creating your product. now you can rest assured that not only will you have a great product, but you;'ll have a marketable product that has value in the marketplace. Now all you need to do is set up some solid marketing and you're good to go. Now get after it!

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