Friday, November 28, 2008

How The Art Of Pre-Selling Converts Sales Like Crazy

By Kylon Trower

The art of persuading your customers is what they want is called pre-selling. The subtle thought that they may lose out if they don't buy your stuff. Whatever your
stuff happens to be.

One aspect of pre-selling is actually selling yourself before you sell your product. By doing this, you help your customer feel good about you and become emotionally bonded with you on some level.

Building up anticipation is an important aspect of pre-selling as well. Let's say a friend you told you he bought a product that increased his web traffic by 200% but didn't reveal the name. You'd be salivating waiting for him to reveal the goods, right? That's the power of anticipation.

That's why by mentioning a benefit which would instantly get your prospects attention but not revealing the solution will have your prospects eating out of your hand. When you finally reveal your product, your prospects will rush to purchase it because they have been anxiously awaiting the solution to their problem!

There are many ways to pre-sell and it's not just about uncovering your product bit by bit. You can actually give away an entire e-book and use it to pre-sell for another
higher ticket item. The e-book was used to pre-sell and gain trust. This is also an example of the law of reciprocity at work.

You can pre-sell by including a snippet or two from your e-book and mentioning it as a viable solution to driving massive targeted traffic to your website. If people get good advice from your newsletter, they will perceive you as an expert and naturally be more curious.

At the end of the day, its really about giving massive use value to people before you ask them to buy something from you. If you can help people to solve their problems, they will often be very willing to buy products from you over and over again.

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