Friday, November 28, 2008

How To Outsource Your Way To Home Business Freedom

By Kylon Trower

I'm sure most of us got into home business and came to the internet to earn a good living, provide value to the community and have some semblance of freedom, right? We'll why are you working longer hours and feel less free as an entrepreneur? It's probably because we don't know when to let go and start outsourcing some of the mundane tasks that prevent us from truly having that freedom.

Oftentimes when Internet marketers start out with their small home business, they don't have a clue about the potential and growth their business can achieve. I remember several years ago when I started an eBay store I had no idea of the amount of success I would have early on.

It wasn't long before I needed to bring in a part time assistant to help me with shipping, customer service and few other related tasks. The point here is that there will come a time when your internet marketing business will grow bigger than you can handle and you'll be able to feel when that time has come.

Now when you get there, it's important that you keep you eye on the mission and goals of your business. Making the right hires is critical and professionalism, values and work ethic are all important as well. Hiring people that will work in positions that are natural for them and they excel at is also something to strongly consider too.

A good example of this would be my retired mother that lives with us and works for me a few hours a day. She will set appointments, answer emails and occasionally deal with customer service issues when they arise. Being that she only works a few hours a day and some days not at all (she told me she has a life), these tasks that she handles are not detrimental to my business in her absence. Bottom line, don't give someone else too much control over the direction of your home business, even if you call them Mom.

Now let's get down to the bottom line, how do you pay your new hires. It depends on how often you need their services. In the beginning you may be able to hire a freelancer on a periodic basis as you need them, but as business picks up you may consider hiring them on a full or part time basis. Full timers would be paid hourly and your freelancers would be paid on a per project basis.

A little more on project work as this is where I recommend you start. Because you will be working with them on a case by case basis you have the flexibility of using them for a project and determine if you will use them in the future based on their performance. You can find plenty of good information as well as freelance contacts at and I personally prefer Elance but suggest that you familiarize yourself with both.

So now that you have a couple resources to fall back on when your home business gets to that point (or maybe you're already there) you can rest assured that you won't have to do it all yourself. If you're anything like me then you might be somewhat of a control freak when it comes to running your business, however, I've come to realize that leveraging and outsourcing are the only way to build a scalable business model that continues to work when you're not. Now start building!

One last thing, Dream! Continue to set your vision and goals for your business in such a way that you are forced o move from you comfort zone. It can only grow if you exercise thoughts and ideas that perhaps you thought too lofty at once. To your continued success!

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