Saturday, November 29, 2008

Who Does Article Marketing?

By Rob Metras

We should start by defining article marketing. Wikipedia defines Article Marketing as "a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry." These articles are published across the Internet. They will also contain contact and reference information about the author. When distributed freely, a well-written article with good information will draw new customers and augment the authoras standing in the marketplace.

Bloggers, Corporations, Individuals, Web Shops, and many others participate in Article Marketing. In order to really go in depth on who does Article Marketing then the answer would be the smart entrepreneur. The smart business person understands that you must get your name or product out there to as many people in the demographic (Or outside) as possible.

Letas look at as a perfect case of article marketing. You will find articles detailing various products or discussing various newsworthy items. The links take you to advertisements and a closer look shows that the articles are also ads. They are always trying to sell something.

Companies that sell time shares and rent vacation properties are also great examples of Article Marketers. On the web they advertise their properties by posting to a lot of article web sites, blogs and message boards which link back to their web site.

Over the last couple of years bloggers have proven to be the latest rage. For instance, they have taken the World of Warcraft game to amazing levels of popularity. The game is continually being played and it is a developing world by itself. The game boasts a huge, loyal fan base, many with web sites of their own. The games popularity continues to grow due to that fact.

This is absolute genius because the company that produces the game, Blizzard, gets free links back to their website and free promotion from fans who discuss the game on their own blogs. Imagine, instead of having to pay for their own advertising, they have a large group of loyal fans who do that for free. This is a prime case Article Marketing success.

Who else does Article Marketing? Dell does Article Marketing. You cannot surf on the Internet these days without coming across an article or a text link to one of Dellas computer deals. Each of these articles is an example of great marketing.

Finally, to truly answer the question, "who does article marketing?", the answer is the smart business person. Advertising is everything in this world and market. The more you get your name out there and especially with informative articles, the sales will start to speak for themselves.

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