Sunday, November 30, 2008

The 3 Main Ingredients Of A Successful Internet Marketer

By Kylon Trower

I'm sure you are aware that there is no shortage of people rushing to get their piece of the internet pie. There are already millions of online sites and businesses in existence and now here you are amidst the masses. Because of the fierce competition, you must do everything you can to stand head and shoulders above the crowd.

This is not such an easy thing to do as it does require work, but the basic principles are very simple to learn. Without these foundational pillars I've seen marketers here today and gone tomorrow. Consistency is one of the keys to your success.

Now with all the ways you can promote and get out there, you must understand a few basics that I'm going to outline here. I'll give you a quick boxing analogy that may help sum it all up.

1. Knowledge is your most critical defense weapon. Through education you will more effectively execute your game plan. It will give you the tools to defend yourself against bad opportunities, minor setbacks and poor marketing methods.

2. Discipline is that steady and consistent jab. Your jab is the constant motion and the focus you need to wear on your opponent. Your opponents are the other marketers (good or bad) lobbying for your potential clients. Your focus and discipline will allow you to stay the course when others get distracted, quit or go in another direction.

3. Credibility is the big right hook. This is where the business really happens. Its when people know like and trust you and feel comfortable doing business with you. Without this, you can have all the knowledge and discipline in the world but will still end up losing the customer.

Credibility seems to be the glue that makes everything work, it is extremely important that you stand out and position yourself in the right way. It used to be enough to be professional and polite, but in this competitive business world, that just won't do.

The best way to do this is by sharing ideas, strategies and techniques with your visitors and position yourself as an expert. Anything you learn, be willing to share it and you will gain many trusting fans that will want to learn from you and purchase your goods and services.

There is way too much competition on the internet for you to expect things to come to you. If you want to succeed online you must be willing to stretch yourself and go the extra mile. People will appreciate you and look to you for leadership and direction. Once this starts to happen thats when things really start moving and shaking.

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