Saturday, November 22, 2008

Keeping Business products on the Cutting Edge

By Gerald Spencer

In todays market you have to be ahead of your competitors. You always want for your competitors to copy what you are doing not the other way around.

Businesses that have the cutting edge products are the ones that lead their industry in todays market.

One cutting edge business idea is all you need in todays market to make it. But what are cutting edge products and what makes them so unique?

A cutting edge product can be new or it can be old. For example Taco Bell changes the color of their shell to orange and the item started to sell because it was different than its competitors.

But be careful not to change the look of your product too fast. The market will tell you if you need to change. You will never see brown arches at McDonalds because brown is not in style for restaurants.

So take a look at your products and start looking at what the market is telling you about your product. The hottest products of next year haven't even been thought of yet.

Always look for ways to make your products different and cheap. Cheap can go a long way, look at how fast 99 cent stores are popping up around the country.

Never look at a product the same. Always see products different than what they are that way you can have the cutting edge mindset that few have.

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