Monday, November 24, 2008

How To Make Your Banner Advertisements Work For You

By Kylon Trower

You always want to promote your website in the most effective way possible. This gets customers to want to come and see how good the quality of your site is.

Marketing and promotions using banner advertisements are good strategies to bring traffic to your website.

The traffic from Visitors from other websites is one of the phenomenon's that is created when you use banner ads. The monthly cost you will pay to high traffic sites, usually always gives you a return on your investment, to post your banner ads.

Banner ads drive visitor traffic to your website from others sites consistently. High traffic sites have costly fees to use their websites while posting your banner ads, but it can pay off handsomely. Using SEO techniques in the beginning to get search engine results can be timely and produce less revenue initially; banner advertisements can help solve this problem.

These are two ways to look at banner advertising some good features as well as not so good features. This statement applies to both paid banner ads and free banner exchanges.

Free Banner Exchanges

This method lets you put your banner on some else's site and allows them to put their banner on your site. Banner exchanges are free between the sites exchanging. There are obstacles when you use this method. An immediate one, if you wanted to exchange banners with several sites would be the huge number of banners ads on your site.

If you are using an affiliate website, instead of your affiliate links being clicked it maybe the exchange links that are getting the clicks.

A word to heed when using banner exchanges is "careful." You are looking for banner exchanges that will promote real content. At all cost you will attempt to stay away from potential directory or portal sites that gather banner ad exchanges for the primary intent of becoming "banner farms' or "link farms."

Paid Banner Ads

This is a proven method that works. Two of the most important areas you need to cover are: you are getting the amount of traffic that you were told you would get and visitors can get to your banner advertisements as easily and quickly as possible because your banner ads are well placed.

Your banner ad page should have as few as possible other banner ads on that same page, competitor links appearing on the same page as your banner ad is never good.

Banner advertisements can be profitable for your site if done correctly. Be sure to keep these tips in mind if you decide to use banner ads.

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