Friday, November 21, 2008

Help Your Teen Earn Extra Money Online

By Yuki Shoji

Teenagers these days spend a good 80% of their waking hours on the internet. They chat with friends, play games but they very rarely do anything useful. If you want to help your teen learn how to succeed in life help him turn his time on the internet into a money making opportunity.

You have probably protected your teenager from online business opportunities thinking that he might end up getting scammed. If you do your research you will find that there are legitimate ways to make money online, and building an affiliate store is one of the best.

The first thing your teen must do if he wants to start an affiliate site is to choose a niche market. The more specific the market, the better. It is also best for him to choose something he is interested in and something he knows a lot about.

Next you must learn how to build your site. There are quite a few different programs available that make building a website easy and fun. You definitely do not need to know html to make a really great website. Choose the program that seems the easiest to use to get started.

Now that you have a subject and a site you have to create content. Let your teen write a few articles about the subject he has chosen for the site. This is the most important part of running your own affiliate store so don't do this for him. The better he is at writing content for the site the more successful he will be over all with his affiliate program.

Now that you have a site ready to go, you can apply for an affiliate program. The reason you must build the site first is that many programs require that the website is active and relevant before they will approve you as an affiliate.

Now it is time to market the site. Remember that the point of the site is to sell the product s you have listed. This means that you want to market the site only to your target market. If your kid's friends are that market then use his online network such as myspace or facebook to get started.

Teens need to be using their time online to develop skills that they can use in the real world. Building and marketing an affiliate site is one of the most useful skills they can have. Once they experience success they will be able to make a good living through their affiliate programs for the rest of their lives.

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