Monday, November 24, 2008

Youtube Video Marketing

By Scott S.

I thought I'd write up this short guide after reading a bunch of complicated video marketing guides on various forums. Video marketing just means that you will be uploading videos to popular video sites and using them to promote your website. You can make money from parked pages, affiliate landing pages, the possibilites are literally endless. This is extremely whitehat until the end of the guide, where you can choose between blackhat promotion and whitehat promotion. With this method you can be getting 1000's of visitors to your websites daily.

1) Write some sort of article on how to do something and post it to your blog/website/etc... (If you don't have one then don't worry about it).

I would suggest something like; how to fix your wii, how to spay your cat, how to cheat on a test, or etc...

Then you'll want to add a bunch of adsense and affiliate links to your blog, or just use a landing page. The more visitors you get from your video, the more money you'll make in theory.

2. Tape yourself or your computer as you do the task that you are trying to teach people about. If I were to make a video for this article I would just show my screen as I viewed the article.. boring, but it works.

I would suggest camtasia as your screen capture software if you had the money.

3. Once your done instructing people to do stuff in your video, open it up in a video editor like Windows Movie Maker. Of course if you have a mac you'll have to use something else, and there are almost hundreds of options out there.

4. Now that you have the program open in your video editor you can narrate the video if you haven't already. What I would do is read the article I wrote to correspond to what you're doing int he video. You can add annotations and links in your description on youtube, and other video sites.

5. Add a watermark to your video, with the url of your website. This way, if it's shared on other websites then there will always be the url of your website for everyone to see. When you upload your videos to youtube, you can include direct links to your website/blog post telling people that they could read more about it.

6. Now is the crossroads between white and black hat. You could just let your videos sit there.. or do something worthwhile (I have no idea). Or you could go the black hat rout and just use software like Tube Automator to inrease the traffic to your videos.

This method with get you lot's of visitors with a bit of work, and lots of persistence. The more videos, the more views, the more subscribers, the more clicks, the more conversions, and the more profit. Good luck promoting stuff with videos guys!

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