Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If You Can't Find A Great Freelance Copywriter...

By DK Fynn, Business Strategist and Direct-Response Copywriter

If you're interested in the services of a professional website copywriter, then I'm sure you understand how critical web copy is to your businesses' success. However, not only are top freelance copywriters hard to come by and find time with, their services may either be outside your budget, or they may be too far booked in advance to take your project.

This article discusses 4 alternatives to hiring website copywriters. Though they're not as good as contracting the full services of a freelance copywriter, they will give you more options you can take.

The 4 Alternatives To Website Copywriters

Learn To Write Direct-Response Web Copy Yourself

This suggestion can be a turnoff, especially if you don't consider yourself to be a "good writer." (And even if you were, there still is a learning curve most people have to go through when they're learning how to write web copy that converts and sells.)

Yes, for you to seriously learn how to create direct-response web copy requires quite a bit of dedication. After all, it is a profession unto itself, and professional website copywriters spend a tremendous amount of time, money and effort to truly qualify themselves for thier trade. The payoff for you, if you learn to become a website copywriter, is that you'll be able to communicate your offer to your customers and visitors. After all, nobody knows your offer as best as you do.

Ask A Website Copywriter If They'll Do Professional Critiques For You

It's too bad most copywriters fail to even mention this service to potential clients. This is perhaps the best of the 4 alternatives listed here. Short of offering their full services, a professional web copywriter can offer to go over your current web copy, and suggest a number of changes you can make to improve your results.

Use Split-Testing and Conversion Tracking to Figure Out What Works

Just a small change on your web copy can yeild in dramatic increases in response. Web page layout, the contrasting of colors on a web page, a single word in your headline, and the presentation of your offer are all factors that, when changed, cna increase response. Another one is how you state your risk reversal (if you even have one). What days your e-mails are sent out (HINT: your prospects may have more time on the weekends to sit down and read what you have to say).

There are a lot of website copywriters who don't know how to do testing, tracking, and conversion. However, one who does may be able to provide testing and tracking services for you.

Follow The Rough Examples Set By Saleletter Templates

The intro, the body, the conclusion. What just came into your mind? Learning how to write an essay in grade school? Salesletter templates perform the very same function. They lay down a roadmap you can follow when you create your own website copy. Though there is a more detailed process to a winning web page than just an intro, a body, and a conclusion, a good template can lead you through all of those details. There are limitations to using a salesletter template, however, it's better than nothing.

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