Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Finding a Niche for Your Business' Podcast

By Theo McLanahan

Most businesses can somehow incorporate a podcast into their business. Here are some tips to find out how you should do so:

As more and more websites are adding audio features, you may find yourself bitten by the audio bug, too. It is a fun, simple thing to do, and it can add a lot of value to your site and help you connect to your readers in a new way. Podcasting is a great place to start, and just about any business can incorporate a podcast into their format.

In order to decide what type of podcast you should create, take some time and think about your target market. Back when you developed your business website, you likely thought about it for a few times, maybe even tried a few different formats before finding the right one. Here are some tips to help you find your business podcasting niche.

First, you must define who your target market is, and what topics they would want to learn more about. The best way to do this is to look at your website- add a website that compliments your existing content. With a podcast, you will be adapting the written content into an audio form.

For instance, if you have a website with info catering to new mothers, your podcast will have the same type of information. You may include interviews you held with interviewers on how to create the ideal nursery. You may also consider a questions session where first-time mothers could ask more experienced moms various questions. You could simply speak to your audience and give them advice or feedbacks, recommend products, resources, etc.

If your target market consisted of people who liked to do home repair projects, you could apply the same techniques listed above, but targeted toward your market. For instance, you could conduct interviews, hold q&a sessions, and give first person accounts, but you would include information about home repair projects.

If you find yourself stuck on what to put in your podcast, just ask your audience. You can set up a form on your website where people can tell you what they want to hear about. Include very specific questions, as the more detailed your feedback is, the better you can tailor your podcast to your target market.

Not only is this a great idea for coming up with podcast topics, but it will also help you develop your information products, and increase your profits and your website traffic. If you can work towards giving your audience what they want to hear, they will come back again and again.

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