Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Brand and Deliver - Your Product In the Loop

By Sebastian Promosski

What do you do? You have given birth to a great idea, a great big baby with massive potential. The problem is turning potential into genuine success. Where do you begin?

Frustration can easily manifest itself if you hit a brick wall when it comes to marketing and PR knowledge. You yourself are convinced your idea is a good one but how do you let the world know about it when the market place is already drowning in all singing, all dancing products.

It is a given these days that a little bit of showbiz dressing can push a product or an event a long way, provided it has some value to begin with. Your work might be the best in the business but if nobody else is aware of it, your endeavours may be fruitless.

So what are the foundations to build success on? What kind of makeover is needed to transform a brand name that is genius but painfully obscure into something that is on peoples minds everywhere and causing a real buzz?

What are your goals and how do you reach them? Brand awareness and brand recognition.

Brand Identity: For something to be successful it needs an identity. Does your service, product or event have an identity? Something people will recognise and relate to?

Brand Strategy: Your brand has now established an identity so what do you want it to achieve? What results are you looking for? Which people do you want to reach the most? How do you make sure it happens?

Brand Building: You have given your brand an identity you are happy with and you have devised a strategy for your brand. What tools will you use to make your strategy work smoothly and efficiently?

Once these necessary fences have been hurdled, your very own brand should be ready to join the battle as it enters the market place. The competition will be stiff and the race long but your brand is prepared for the long haul and can hold its own in the toughest place of all, the shop window.

Tools: This is the moment when the decided upon tools become the main players for your brand. You are convinced you have chosen the correct tools for the job? What tools are available? Many are very specialised and technical, requiring a level of expertise to get the most from them. For some this provides another tricky obstacle but of course there are many who are able to manage all these tools themselves.

Crisis management, media relations, online Pr, social media Pr and press releases are some of the tools that will undoubtedly be essential when it comes to the brand battle.

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