Saturday, November 15, 2008

Article Marketing-How To Get The Click To Your Website Every Time

By Neeraj Varma

This is a series of 25 articles that will help you make more money from your articles.

Lots of courses on article marketing exist in the market, but they don't show you the money-making part of the business. You need to know how to get people to click on the link to your website or affiliate program.

On many occasions I have read advice like "you should never say everything" and "leave out crucial details so they have to go to your link to get the answers", etc.

The reality is that when you actually start writing, it is hard to know what to write and what to leave out. And really, is that all there is to it?

What is needed is for someone to speak out about proven techniques that get people to click on the affiliate link or the link to your website.

You'll find that most of the articles in the directories are junk. When you read them you'll find that they don't provoke thinking, arouse curiosity or even provide any useful information. There is nothing to motivate their reader to click on the link to your website.

You'll learn exactly what works and what doesn't in this series of articles. Here are some examples of the kinds of topics you will see:

* Learn How You Can Plan Out The Goal Of Your Article So People Click On Your Link

* Learn To Attract Attention So The Search Engines Send Lots Of Traffic To Your Article

* Get The Attention Of Your Target Market To Your Article

* Specific Techniques To Arouse Interest Interest In Your Subject So Your Reader Is Almost Hypnotized By Your Words

* Surefire Ways To Establish Credibility So Your Reader WANTS To Follow Your Suggestion To Go To Your Website Or Affiliate Link

* How To Provide So Much Value That Your Reader Will Feel Obligated To Give Back (By Clicking Your Link)

* Learn All The Details On Finding The Right Keyword Basis For Your Article

* Learn Secret Research Techniques To Find The One Piece Of Information That Your Reader Will Appreciate You For Forever

Many of these topics resemble what you would find in copywriting courses. However, article marketing is a little different. You need to know how to apply the copywriting principles for article marketing.

You will be able to apply the principles of "Click-Inducing" articles to any subject.

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