Tuesday, December 16, 2008

3 Way Links.net Review. Does It Help Your SEO?

By Chris Chandler

I will be the first to admit that when I first saw this SEO linking system known as 3 way Links by the web guru Jon Leger.. I was a little skeptical.

It seems like one of those "too good to be true" deals that I generally stay away from. But I had a friend that joined and was giving it rave reviews, so I decided to take a closer look at automated link system.

Looking at it now after being on the service for almost a year now, I would say it is not "miracle service" for it cannot grab the #1 spot in a highly competitive niche market, like "insurance" but I know for a fact it has helped me to grab the top rankings in some smaller niche keyword phrases.

It has helped me get to the top of the engines for several "long tail" keyword phrases that requires less link popularity to rank for. It will take a few weeks but it is definitely worth the wait.

The way the links grow is slow, and as your network of links grow, your PR grows.

At first, I tried this on sites that I did not care much about and saw good results the rankings began to climb.

The 3waylinks.net system allows webmasters to add up to 50 domains in their link network in exchange for thier monthly fee. In the beginning I only added 3 of my own websites. I decided to do some otehr things and then months went by and noticed a doubling in traffic to those site. I am now convinced it is worth it. To this day, I am still a member.

On one of my sites on the network, I was able to acheive a top 3 ranking for a highly competitive term (which I will not reveal here..but be assured, I was extremely pleased...

A few tips I will leave with you about 3 way networks:

1. DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT - If you want to test it, test it on sites that are marginally important so that you can find out for yourself if it is good.

2. CONTINUE TO LINK TRADE IN OTHER PLACES - It is definitely dangerous to leave all your linking in only one place. IF you will build a strong network of links all over the net, it will be much better. This will disguise any possible footprint...even though I have not found this to be a problem any way.

3. IT DON'T HELP PR - It didn't help my sites with PR anyway. I find PR to be not such a huge factor in rankings anyway. While I dod keep an aye on it some, I don't base my SEo solely around the concept like some SEO "experts".

4. YOU NEED SOME WEBMASTER SKILLS - The install of the code could make a web newbie cringe, but it is not difficult. IF you need help, email me.

5. CHOOSE THE RIGHT KEYWORDS - I usually pick highly related keywords that are not going against huge competition in terms of sites optimizing for it AND also produces a good bit of traffic according to Google's Adword Keyword Tool.

If you are looking to get more traffic, build rankings, and have an extra way to dominate Google, I highly recommend 3waylinks.net

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