Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How did your home business do this year?

By John Wallen

Have you had a rough year in your home business? Been trying your best to build a network but going no where? Your not the first to spend a year and then wake up one morning, and realize your totaly uninspired. Now your ready to give up and not bother with it anymore.

First let me say. It's not your business that has failed you, it is you that has failed you. We sometimes get these notions in our head that are there because of what your sponsor maybe telling you, or maybe your just listening to yourself to much. And that happens to the best of us.

We get brainwashed and hardwired about the way things should be done sometimes. We have this drive, but see no results from our actions. Then bam, we just throw in the towel one day, and maybe just chalk it up to a failing experience. Ya, that's it, that will work, live and learn.

Now your list of "I should have known betters" is growing. Ya, what was I thinking, I feel so much better now, I can finally get on with what ever it was I was doing a year ago. I just will have to be happy with being a sombie robot for someone else the rest of my live. Hey, what are you going to do, but please do me a favor and remember it was you that failed not your business.

Maybe it's time to sit back and take a little break from it all. It really is crazy to keep dulicating something that doesn't work. Clear your thoughts, have some fun, and get yourself back in spirit. You know, I'm willing to bet your upline isn't laughing all the way to the bank either. So take sometime and just recharge.

For what it's worth, I have been there too. I was a roller coaster ride of emotion. I'll tell you one thing though, I think my business is top notch. And even so, very few expressed interest, and this was not because of my business, it was because of me. So relax, have some fun, life is short.

And when your feeling better, here's what I discovered. When I realized I was not a salesman, and probably couldn't sell a thing to save myself, that's when my home business took off. So if you think you have a pretty good network business, it's not your business that's the problem then. It's the way your looking at things.

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