Monday, December 22, 2008

How To Increase Website Profits

By Matthew Henage

Whatever Your Visitors Want, Give it to Them

Too often web designers make a web site that only contain fluff. The problem is, visitors don't come to your site to wast time, but usually have a distinct purpose. Don't give them what they want, and they are gone!

So how do you get your visitors to stay and not running off to your competitors? The easy answer, "Give them what they want." To do this you need to answer the following question, "What do my visitors want?" This question can be answered by deviding it into three more specific questions: First, Who are your visitors? Second, What attracted them to your site originally? And Third, What do they want when they come to your site? Once you know the answers to these questions it becomes very simple to attract and retain them.

So now your wondering how you find this out about your visitors. luckily there are plenty of tactics to help you do this. First tactic, just ask them. Find a way to speak to them and ask them, you'll find that this is a very helpful tool. Another tactic is using analysis software like Google Analytics. This software is easy to set up, and can tell you mounds of valuable information about your visitors. These are very helpful ways to learn more about your visitors, and in turn, helps you to provide unique and very valuable content to them.

Attract More Visitors

By catering to your customers needs you'll see an increase in traffic from past visitors returning to your site. But by extending your marketing reach you can compound the number of visitors your site will recieve. In this section we talk about some of the most important traffic building methods used by professionals each day.

If your not using PPC Advertising (Pay Per Click) then your missing out on what could become a website goldmine. With all PPC campaigns it is important to start out with a low budget, to improve your results before you unleash this method. Although there are many services that offer PPC Advertising, we suggest to start with Google Adwords. Not only is Google Adwords one of the most powerful systems, but it also can be connected to Google Analytics for very helpful tracting. By targeting the right traffic you'll be increasing your profits in no time.

If you like free relevant traffic, your going to love SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is about optimizing your web pages to become more search engine friendly, adding valuable and unique content and providing trusted links from within and outside of your website. The better ranked you can get your website in the search engines, the more free and relevant traffic you will receive.

Monetize Your Website

Creating and retaining traffic alone will not make your site more profits. You also need to be able to influence your visitors to make a profitable action. To do this you must make it easy for your visitors to do what you want them to do. If you make your potential customers jump through hoops to make you money, you'll find that you are not realising your full profit making potential.

Keep your website clean by only providing content that your customers want, and what you want your customers to do. Draw your visitors attention to a profitable action by using proper design such as color, contrast and varying fonts. Don't forget to try new ways on different web pages to get your visitors attention.

The number of methods you can use to increase customer action seems enless. A few of the many worthy mentionables are branding, cross promotion, A/B testing and improving your call-to-action. Remember, the higher the rate of visitor to customer conversion the more revenue your website will receive.

Do it the Easy and More Profitable Way

Like trying to do your own plumbing, Trying to do web design and marketing by yourself can lead to more bad than good. Sure, if your dedicated and take time to get the proper experience you can do fine. But if your serious about turning a higher profit for your website right now, you'll be better off hiring a professional.

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