Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Beginning Steps of Niche Marketing

By Breakaway

One of the best secrets of affiliate marketers is attacking different smaller niches in order to maximize their potential in the search engines. By targeting a popular, but uncompetitive niche, they can maximize their earnings.

In order to get started in niche marketing you're probably going to need some help. The first thing you need to do is figure out what you're trying to market. Once you've selected your market think more specific and select a niche in that market. Make sure to do your research and remember that niche marketing is all about using an uncompetitive niche of the market.

1. The first thing you need to do is pick a unique niche. A good way to approach this is to pick a niche you know a lot about. You'll be able to work faster because you won't have to research a lot, since you know a lot of information already.

One of the most effective methods of niche marketing is answering a common question. If you're able to answer any questions current customers or future customers ask you'll be able to use this method to generate traffic. If you do a great job of helping your customers you won't be surprised when they decide to buy from you.

2. Be sure to test the competition. Do a Google search for the keyword phrase you want to target, and see who the #1-#5 people are. These are who you need to beat. If they are huge, national or global brand names, you may want to pick a different keyword phrase to target.

3. When niche marketing, be sure to speak the language. If you have a golf niche site, your visitors will probably be golfers. If you're using language that gives away you know nothing about golf, then your visitors won't trust you, and they won't buy from you.

This is where being familiar with the niche you've chosen comes in handy. Since you already know who your visitors and competitors will be it's be much easier to choose the proper content. Checking out what your competition is using and improving on that tends to work in your favor.

Even though these are just the basics to get you started in Niche Marketing they are extremely important. If you choose what you think is an uncompetitive niche but it turns out it's already dominated by your competition you'll find yourself spending a lot of extra time. Doing your homework usually pays off in the long run.

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