Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Discover The Benefits Email Marketing Can Bring To Your Business

By Derrick C.K Lee

For those who are relatively new to online marketing, email marketing can be considered one of the most effective forms of marketing on the internet. As we all know, the internet is expanding at an exponential rate and what better way to keep in touch with potential customers all over the world than through the use of emails. Now, with the advent of automated email software, email marketing is considered a walk in the park.

With the necessary online marketing skills and experience, you can be sending appropriate emails to potential clients at the right time, giving them what they want when they need it. Timing is the essence to a successful email marketing campaign. If executed skillfully, email marketing can be beneficial for both parties. Below are some of the features & advantages of email marketing.

( 1 ) Unrestricted Capabilities. With the widespread of the internet throughout the entire world, email communications are getting vastly popular as it is easily accessible and convenient. The flip side of marketing using emails lies in the fact that some of your efforts may be labeled as spam.

( 2 ) Cost Effective. Email marketing can be considered as one of the most cost effective methods of relying vital marketing information to your existing and potential customers without the hassle of spending tons of money on advertising.

( 3 ) Dynamic. Communications with your clients no longer need to be static and mundane. You can easily create dynamic campaigns for your business and add multi-media features such as videos, graphics, music etc that will breathe new life into your all your email correspondence as well as generate additional advertising revenue.

( 4 ) Targeted Audience. You can use email marketing to great advantage by reaching out to certain types of people. These group of people should be the audience crowd who are already receptive to what you have to offer and have made that extra step to sign up for your mailing list.

( 5 ) Unsubscribe Options. Your potential clients can choose to stay in the email loop or they can get out of it. This simple unsubscribe feature is essential as it keeps you from being flagged as a spammer.

( 6 ) Faster Response. As compared to the traditional direct mail campaigns, the normal response time usually takes about 7 to 12 days. But if you are using an email marketing campaign, you can expect a faster response time of within 1 to 3 days. There are huge time savings involved.

( 7 ) 24 Hours Marketing Ability. With the advert of automated email marketing software, online marketing using emails can be done 24 hours a day across any time zones and geographical locations.

( 8 ) Ability To Measure & Tweak Your Results. With advances in technology, most email marketing programs are able to generate reports to show which of your email campaigns generated the most responses. This form of measuring and tracking is essential as it allows you to tweak campaigns that are not doing well.

( 9 ) Adding That Personal Touch. Through the use of email software, you can now reach out to your target audience on a more personal note as emails can now be easily customized individually for each subscriber on your list. By doing so, it reduces the risk of it being labeled as spam.

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