Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Smartest Ways to Make Money With the Internet

By Dave Thomas

If you're planning to make money online, you need to be very clear on something before you start. You will find more ridiculous programs than you can count claiming they're the key to internet wealth. You'll find everything from Ponzi schemes to cheap ebooks - and almost none of it will ever pan out for you.

That beings said, you can make money on the internet if it's your true goal - and the absolute best way to achieve it is by learning to rank your websites at the top of Google's organic search listings. No matter what anyone says about Google, it's the best source of low maintenance traffic and income on the web.

But again, you'll need to be on the alert because the same scam artists who will sell you other programs will also sell you bogus information about geting free traffic from Google. They buy large amounts of Google advertising trying to convince you to buy their "free traffic program." They're skilled marketers, and they know how to push your buttons.

So how can you find out if a guru is offering you something of value? It's actually very simple - just go to Google and search the terms "make money online" or "make money on the internet." If you find a guru in the organic search listings for those terms, it's very likely they're legitimate and can offer you something of value.

Every time you perform a Google search, you're going to see two different kinds of listings. On the left hand side of the page you'll see what are called the organic listings - they can't be bought or sold - you only get there by knowing how Google works (and how to work Google).

The links on the right hand side of a Google results page are purchased in an auction system Google created. It's an excellent system that allows business owners to obtain targeted web traffic at reasonable prices.

However, do you see how ridiculous it is when a person who wants to sell you a program about getting free traffic has to buy the traffic to tell you about it? If they don't know how to land the free traffic themselves, how can they claim to teach you to do it?

So, when seeking a mentor who can show you how to make money on the internet by getting free traffic from Google, make sure they can prove their knowledge by showing how they themselves are getting free traffic from Google. Choosing the right mentor will be the difference between relatively quick success and possible endless frustration.

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